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You searched for: Tag: what matters
    lyubomirb  34, Male, Florida, USA - 44 entries
Dec 2008
9:10 PM EST

what matters

This fire that egnited in my heart has been burning for so long. With out anything to feed on it is burning out and I can feel it. Left for so long I am begining to move on. But a part of me doesn not want to. I still know how I feel but it's been years without true words. Something is going to happen to me if I am not stopped. But I am afraid it may be too late. If someone else throws more fire wood it will catch on fire.�Then I will be realy on someone else's apearance.�I rather not, but It's not alway up to me.�

2 comment(s) - 06:27 PM - 12/16/2008
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